Upload all videos from your phone or camera that you want to be edited.
We will edit your video into an original and creative Reels format.
We delivery edited Reels in 24 hours, on your email.
See examples of video reels
After uploading, you will be redirected to the payment page.
You can make the payment via PayPal, Apple Pay, or Credit Card
Regulations for Reels Video Editing Services:

  1. Creative Ownership: By using our video editing services, the client acknowledges and accepts that the editor becomes the exclusive creator of the edited material. The ideas, editing style and any other aspects related to the creative process are determined independently by the editor.
  2. Copyright: The client retains the copyright to the materials provided for editing, as well as to the final product resulting from the editing. The editor does not obtain copyright to the final product but has the right to use the edited video as part of their portfolio.
  3. Respect for the Editor's Vision: The client agrees to respect and not interfere with the editor's artistic vision during the editing process. Any suggestions or additional requirements will be considered by the editor in the comments left in the completed form.
  4. Confidentiality: All information and materials provided by the client for editing will be treated confidentially by the editor and will not be disclosed or distributed to third parties without the client's consent.
  5. Service Quality: The editor is committed to providing high-quality video editing services, adhering to established deadlines and client requirements in a professional manner.
  6. Right to Revision: The client have the right to revise and adjust the final product.
  7. Agreement to the Regulations: By using our video editing services, the client confirms that they have read, understood, and fully accepted these regulations.

These rules are designed to ensure efficient and professional collaboration between the client and editor and to guarantee the quality and integrity of our video editing services.